Who could have predicted that one skinny nerd from Harvard would completely change the definition of social experience in the 21st century? Since Mark Zuckerberg and pals founded Facebook in his dorm room just seven years ago, the site has grown to more than 750 million active users. And thanks to the Facebook app, more than a quarter billion of us are using our phones to keep up with the Joneses everywhere, all the time. For better or worse, we’ve Liked, Poked, and Friended our way into a new phase of human i...

Air Force Keeps 'Micro-Aviary' Of Tiny, Bird-like 'Bots
If Air Force researchers have their way, the military’s next flying robots of doom will be tiny, and indistinguishable from the naked eye from small birds, bats or even insects. And they’ll take their first flight in a freaky “Micro-Aviary” in Ohio, where engineers make mini-machines modeled on those creatures of the sky.
Miniaturization is a major trend in drone tech. The Army’s new Switchblade drone is a semi-autonomous missile shot out of a mortar tube for kamikaze missions. Some robotic aircraft manufacturers, like the micro-machinists at AeroVironment, have even started experimenting with...
La nouvelle mémoire HMC de Samsung qui risque de tout changer
Mercredi 2 novembre
Matos - 2 novembre 2011 :: 11:52 :: Par Jean-Baptiste
La mémoire vive joue un rôle très important dans le fonctionnement des ordinateurs, permettant un stockage rapide des données de manière temporaire pour rendre transparente ou inutile la très lente écriture sur le disque dur et compose 100% de la mémoire des Smartphones et tablettes. Vous connaissiez la SDRAM (pour ceux qui ont une bonne mémoire) rendue obsolète par la DDRAM puis la DDR2 et plus récemment la DDR3, et bien le futur s’appelle probablement HMC.
Récemment, Samsung s’est associé avec l’entreprise Micron pour dév...