Cisco: Don't Blame Netflix for the Zettaflood
Cisco’s newly released Global Cloud Index estimates that annual global cloud traffic will grow from 130 exabytes to 1.6 zettabytes by 2015. The kicker, though, is that only 17 percent of that 1.6 zettabytes—equivalent to 22 trillion hours of online video*—actually goes from the cloud to end users via services like video streaming or web surfing. The vast majority (76 percent) of the data that the cloud shuffles around is internal to the datacenter, and the remaining 7 percent of traffic is datacenters communicating with each other.
The report suggests that this lopsided ratio of internal to...
In Pictures: Tom's Hardware Recovers Gold And Silver From CPUs
One Year Later, Path 'Personal Network' App Still Brings the Love
As the world becomes ever-more-saturated in social media, the court of public opinion grows only more sensitive. Retweets can propel an errant thought to meme-like levels of notoriety, while a mismanaged Google+ post can set your circles aflutter. Yes, managing one’s online self-expression isn’t what it used to be.
Path, the small, smartphone app-based social network created by former Facebook employee Dave Morin, wanted to turn that dynamic on...