Barnes Noble Aims to Separate Nook Biz With an Eye for Global Markets
The e-reader business may be moving faster in the last six months than it did in the previous six years. Even Barnes & Noble, the brick-and-mortar book retailer that’s best managed the transition to digital reading, has been taken by surprise.
Now the company has to reread, restock and re-sort its own future — possibly one where the B&N and the Nook go separate ways.
A separate Nook business may be able to attract new investment and partnerships and innovate more quickly
In a press release Thursday, CEO William...
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Power of Mom's Voice Silenced by Instant Messages
Instant messages are ubiquitous and convenient, but something primal may be lost in translation.
When girls stressed by a test talked with their moms, stress hormones dropped and comfort hormones rose. When they used IM, nothing happened. By the study’s neurophysiological measures, IM was barely different than not communicating at all.
“IM isn’t really a substitute for in-person or over-the-phone interaction in terms of the hormones released,” said psychologist Leslie Seltzer of the University of Wisconsin, a co-author of the new study. “People still need to interact the way we evolved to intera...
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