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Samedi, 06 Novembre 2010 18:28

Saving Private Windows

I heard from Mike Arrington this morning. Good to hear the familiar voice now wrapped in the aura of rich and retired. Of course, he’s no fool and realizes quitting is not an option. If we stop doing whatever that is, we throw life in the dumpster. Nothing good follows. He may be crazy but he’s not stupid.

How come you’re not writing for us, he begins. Actually, he tries first to confirm some rumor he’s either been fed or made up about Salesforce. I recognize this is

Editor’s note: The following guest post is written by David Barrett, CEO and founder of Expensify, whose tagline is “Expense reports that don’t suck.”

Now, you might think that making a product that isn’t terrible should be so obvious to every company on the planet as to almost be nonsensical. Indeed, who would

Samedi, 06 Novembre 2010 15:50

Le buzz du téléphone portable de Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin aurait-il remonté le temps ? Les images d'un bonus DVD du film "Cirque" de 1928 sèment le doute. On y aperçoit une femme qui porte à son oreille un objet noir tout en bavardant, rapporte le réalisateur irlandais George Clarke,

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