WebBuzz du 06/09/2013
Il n'y a vraiment qu'en Afrique ou l'on peut rencontrer une pareille situation. Alors que 2 amis faisait du VTT dans la savane, ils se sont fait approché par une girafe qui au fur et à mesure est devenu de plus en plus menaçant. Ils ont du fuir en catastrophe pour éviter qu'elle ne les blesse.
He did really in Africa where you can meet such a situation. While two friends was mountain biking in the savannah, they made approached by a giraffe at progressively became more and more threatening. They flee the disaster to prevent it hurts.
WebBuzz du 13/07/2017: Des amateurs de montain bike visitent une ancienne mine-Mountain biking through an old mining cave
WebBuzz du 08/02/2017: Une moto atterrit sur une jeep dans le desert-bike dune jump landed onto Jeep in the desert
Qui a dit qu'il n'y avait personne dans le desert ? ce n'est plus vrais comme le montre cette vidéo. Fort heureusement, le pilote de la moto a atterrit juste sur le capot de la jeep.
Who said there was no one in the desert? This is no longer true as this video shows. Fortunately, the driver of the motorcycle just landed on the hood of the jeep.
WebBuzz du 12/06/2012
That's it, Regis has a new job. He is now an amateur photographer for the local newspaper, and must cover the arrival of a bike race. He take placed just in front of the finish line and in the middle to get the perfect shot. The story does not say whether the photo was successful or not ....
WebBuzz du 02/05/2012
China, People know combine business with pleasure. This Golden Retriever was educated by his master to monitor his bike when he goes shopping. This faithful companion even know how to ride in the back of himself when his master takes his bike and advise when it is ready ...
WebBuzz du 29/08/2013
Alors qu'il serait facile de commenter sur les tendances alcooliques matinales de nos amis Russes, alors que le problème pourrait être tout autre. Par exemple, pourquoi ne pas se poser tout simplement la question des compétences des ophthamologistes ? ou des soucis de lecture et de compréhension des ordonnance de la part des opticiens ?
While it would be easy to comment on the morning alcoholic tendencies of our Russian friends, then the problem could be something else. For example, why not simply ask the skills of ophthamologists? or problems reading and understanding of prescription from opticians?
WebBuzz du 01/10/2013
Cette descente de montagne en VTT aurait pu prendre un tournant beaucoup plus catastrophique. N'ayant pas reconnu le parcours avant, ces 3 amis ont fait le grand sauts. Fort heureusement, à part quelques contusions, aucun blessé n'est à déplorer.
This downhill mountain bike could have taken a much more catastrophic turn. Have not recognized the route before, these three friends made the big jump. Fortunately, with a few bruises, no injuries reported.
WebBuzz du 23/04/2012
Who never did turn to pedal on the sea or a lake? These vehicles, as beautiful as it may be slight, are real torture. Verily We have to much effort for each trip, probably due to the fact that they are as beautiful as it can be lightweight. And here's an invention that could make them disappear: the bike hydrofoil. It is now possible to imagine that the Tour de France borrows some rivers. But beware of the fall, because it seems to be back on the machine.
WebBuzz du 14/04/2014
Il ne faut jamais faire plusieurs choses à la fois si on est pas capable de les mener toutes à leur fin. C'est ce qu'a appris ce cyclist imprudent qui ayant trop chaud n'hésite pas à se mettre à l'aise en retirant sa veste pendant qu'il roule. Fort heureusement, ce n'est pas un bus qui le suivait ...
Should never do several things at once if you are not able to bring all to their end. This was learned that reckless cyclist who does not hesitate too hot to get comfortable by removing his jacket while driving. Fortunately, this is not a bus that followed ...
WebBuzz du 23/07/2012
Il est important de faire vélo sur les trottoirs, mais suffisament éloigné de la route. Il y a toujours un risque de connaitre la même mésaventure que ce jeune homme, qui fort heureusement s'en tire vraiment bien. Tout le monde n'aura pas la même chance que lui.
It is important to bike on sidewalks, but sufficiently away from the road. There is always a risk to know the same way that this young man get, who fortunately is doing really well. Everyone will not have the same chance as him.