Friday 28 June 2024
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Displaying items by tag: iOS
Apple Announces iCloud, Steve Jobs WWDC Keynote

A cloud. Photo Karen Ka Ying Wong / Flickr

Apple has confirmed maybe the worst kept secret in Silicon Valley: it’s been working on a cloud service, and will announce it at the June 6 Worldwide Developers Conference.

So now we know annual developer’s conference will unveil “iCloud®, Apple’s upcoming cloud services offering,” but we don’t know yet what it is, or what exactly will reside at the domain name it may have bought for $4.5 million in April.


roBrowser est un projet open source basé sur le jeu Ragnarök Online mais sans association avec Gravity.

Published in WebDesign


Shout est un client web IRC que vous hébergez sur votre propre serveur.

Published in WebDesign

TETHR est le plus beau et le plus complet kit iOS de développement que vous avez jamais vu.

Published in WebDesign
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