Wednesday, 18 May 2011 20:42
Sony’s PSN Password Reset Page Has Been Compromised
According to reports coming in from Eurogamer, NeoGaf, and Nyleveia Sony’s PlayStation Network password reset system (the one that was put into place after the PSN hack) has been compromised, allowing hackers to change a PSN password if they know your email and date of birth. This information was exactly the same information that was released in the original hack. As a result, Sony has taken the password reset system offline. The good news here as pointed out by NeoGAF’s “Metalmurphy” is that if your account was compromised, you should have gotten an email from PSN stating that your password has been reset. Furthermore, an official community moderator on the EU PlayStation forums noted that the following services are currently offline: PlayStation.comPlayStation forumsPlayStation BlogQriocity.comMusic Unlimited via the web clientAll PlayStation game title websites Since the services are currently offline and won’t be up until the bug being exploited is fixed, the executable that was being used to trigger the exploit was the following: Navigate to : (this is normally, via email, with the y’s being a unique token) – do not enter the code at this point. Open a new tab in firefox, and go to (other pages will work too most likely), and click Login (Connexion) Click Recover password Enter the email and date of birth of the target account Click continue, then on the confirmation page, click “Reset using E-mail” Switch back to the original tab, and enter the code, then click continue You will now be asked to enter a new password for the target account Sony further clarified that no hack was involved for the whole process. Instead it was just a URL exploit which they have claimed to fixed already. Still, we can’t help think about how Sony would let something like this happen so shortly after an already devastating downtime. What do you PSN users think? Do you feel safe using Sony’s services? Let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below! As usual, stay tuned for more news and info on the topic by following us on Facebook, Twitter and/or by subscribing to our RSS Feed. Authors:
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