Thursday, 26 May 2011 10:00
Quixey – New and Innovative App Search Engine
Quixey is a new company which has already raised over $400k in funding from Eric Schmidt’s Innovation Endeavors foundation (a former Google CEO investing in search) and this week launched their site live to the public. It is an innovative approach to app searching, letting you search based on conversational, what you want phrases, compared to simply by an app name or category which are the current methods of app searching. The app world has recently exploded after Apple’s wild success with the App Store (which recently hit 500,000 approvals by the way). Everybody and their mother has a mobile app store available and as phones and computers continue to merge functionality and ability, this trend should only increase. There actually is an app for everything, the problem is; how do you find them all? For example, as of right now, its easy enough if you want a Twitter app. You search the app store for “Twitter,” read reviews, choose, and download. But say you are looking for something more broad. Perhaps you want an app that a 3 year old might like or you saw an app and forgot it was called and you know it had something to do with shooting bubbles in it. Quixey solves those issues and they do it in such a manner that they have already included their widget on many trusted sites. The difference is in how they aggregate their data and what specifically they are watching. There are currently a ton of app store searching sites and the prevailing M.O is “scrape iTunes and post all the info from there.” It isn’t a bad idea if you are searching a specific category or know the app you want. Quixey combines this feature with an ever expanding host of information from blogs, forums, review sites, and more also relating an app. They monitor everything and not only what a developer says in an app’s description but also what people are saying about the app. Results are easily viewable with icons showing which platforms are supported as well. You can drill down you results and even set preferences (for example maybe you only want to see Android and iOS apps or maybe you only want Mac apps) based on what you are searching for. Having launched just this week, they have already accumuluted an impressive polished service with a wide variety of options (including embedalle search widgets and an API). We have yet to see anyone doing app search as well as Quixey – a great idea. We expect that as they continue to aggregate data the results will be even more tailored and relevant. It’s been much easier to find apps for us through our past few days of using Quixey. Have any of you used it yet? If so, what do you think? If you haven’t already used it or didn’t know about it until now, check it out at Quixey – Find apps that do what you want. As usual, stay tuned for more tech news and info by following us on Facebook, Twitter and/or by subscribing to our RSS Feed. Authors:
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