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Alors que le match de basket se déroule normalement, un tir place la balle sur le pied et la blocque. Malgré plusieurs tentatives infructueuses, un jeune garçon est devenu un héro inespéré et sauve le match et parvient à rendre le ballon pour que reprenne la compétition.

While the basketball game takes place normally, a shot places the ball on the foot and blockade. Despite several unsuccessful attempts, a young boy became an unexpected hero and saved the match and one manages to return the ball for the resumption of the competition.

Published in Webbuzz

Tout ce qui vous entoure est coloré, que ce soit une palette agréable, sombre, chaud ou froid.

Published in WebDesign
Thursday, 02 February 2012 06:01

A Google-a-Day Puzzle for Feb. 2

A Google-a-Day Puzzle for Feb. 2

Our good friends at Google run a daily puzzle challenge and asked us to help get them out to the geeky masses. Each day’s puzzle will task your googling skills a little more, leading you to Google mastery. Each morning at 12:01 a.m. Eastern time you’ll see a new puzzle, and the previous day’s answer (in invisitext) posted here.


What job did Poor Richard’s first-born son take that effectively ended their relationship?


Search [Europe’s largest parliament building] to find the Hungarian Parliament Building. Search [Hungarian coat of arms] to learn that the item is the Hungarian Crown, which is housed in the Parliament Building.

Thursday, 26 January 2012 06:01

A Google-a-Day Puzzle for Jan. 26

A Google-a-Day Puzzle for Jan. 26

Our good friends at Google run a daily puzzle challenge and asked us to help get them out to the geeky masses. Each day’s puzzle will task your googling skills a little more, leading you to Google mastery. Each morning at 12:01 a.m. Eastern time you’ll see a new puzzle, and the previous day’s answer (in invisitext) posted here.

We leave the comments on so people can work together to find the answer. As such, if you want to figure it out all by yourself, DON’T READ THE COMMENTS!

Also, with the knowledge that because others may publish their answers before you do, if you want to be able to search for information without accidentally seeing the answer somewhere, you can use the Google-a-Day site’s search tool, which will automatically filter out published answers, to give you a spoiler-free experience.

And now, without further ado, we give you…


1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.Bg2 dxc4 5.Nf3 Be7. What is the ECO code of this opening?

YESTERDAY’S ANSWER (mouseover to see):

Search [arrested by Catholic church 1633 pardoned 1992] to find that this was Galileo. Search for [Galileo story stone scrolls] and find that Vicenzo Viviani had Galileo’s life story written on huge stone scrolls at his Palazzo dei Cartelloni.

Friday, 21 June 2013 06:28

WebBuzz du 21/06/2013

La notion de portes ouvertes n'est pas toujours la même selon la culture. C'est le cas en Russie ou ils ont pris cette expression au pied de la lettre ... il n'y a aucune information concernant d'éventuel blessé ce jour la !!!
The concept of open is not always the same as the culture. This is the case in Russia and they took this expression literally ... there is no information about any injuries that day!

Published in Webbuzz
Tuesday, 27 November 2012 06:55

WebBuzz du 27/11/2012

EnRussie, la neige a déjà étalé son grand linceul blanc. C'est joli à regarder de sa fenètre bien au chaud à la maison. C'est moins facile pour les automobilistes qui joue avec l'adhérence. C'est le cas de ce conducteur très chanceux qui a perdu le controle de son véhicule et profite des joies de la glisse... Et par une chance extrème, la voiture s'arrète à quelques centimètres d'un autre véhicule. Donc un petit rappel, en cas de neige, les pneux neiges sont nécessaires.
In Russia, the snow has already spread his great white shroud. It's nice to look out of window to warm the house. It is less easy for drivers who plays with adhesion. This is the case of the very lucky driver who lost control of his vehicle and enjoy the joys of skiing ... And a chance extreme, the car stops few inches away from another vehicle. So a little reminder, in case of snow, snow tires are needed.

Published in Webbuzz
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 05:59

WebBuzz du 13/05/2014

Ce chat adore son maitre et il lui montre surtout le matin ... c'est pas mignon tout ça
This cat loves his master and shows him especially in the morning ... it's not all that cute

Published in Webbuzz

Avec les montés des extremismes de cette sombre année 2016, il est possible de croire l'humanité complètement perdu. Cela serait sans compter sur ces héros du quotidien. Aucun acte de bonté, quelque petit que soit, n'est jamais vain.

With the rise of the extremisms of this dark year 2016, it is possible to believe humanity completely lost. That would be without counting on these everyday heroes. No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.

Published in Webbuzz

Vivre le jour et la nuit en même temps est-ce possible ?  oui mais il faut se trouver près de pôles du globe terrestre. C'est ce qu'a vécu ce croisieriste alors qui se trouve sur l'océan arctique proche de l'Alaska.

Live day and night at the same time it is possible? yes but it must be near the poles of the Earth. This was experienced this cruise so that is on the Arctic Ocean near Alaska.

Published in Webbuzz

Lors du dernier jour d'école, les étudiants de la célèbre école Basha High School dans la ville de Chandler en Arizona, ont décidé de jeté tous leurs cours. Même si c'est une tradition, cela révèle bien le peu de notion d'écologie de la part de cette jeune génération d'américains !!!

On the last day of school, students at the Basha High School in Chandler, Arizona, decided to shoot all their courses. Even if it is a tradition, it reveals the little notion of ecology on the part of this young generation of Americans!

Published in Webbuzz
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