Operation Payback
The @Anon_Operation account itself is affiliated with Anonymous, the Internet vigilante group responsible for voting 4Chan founder moot Time Person of the Year in 2009. It seems as though Anonymous’ subsequent campaign to drive Assange to the top of the list has been successful as the controversial figure is now at 251,202 votes, versus Steve Jobs at 20,767 and Mark Zuckerberg at 14,599.
Despite the Assange being in police custody until December 14th, the WikiLeaks Twitter account is still tweeting and more cables are apparently being released tonight. Along with moot, other notable Person of the Year winners include Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Joseph Stalin and Barack Obama.
The Time Person of The Year issue hits the stands the last week of December.
[12/7/10 7:52:20 AM] Alexia Tsotsis: great

Authors: Alexia Tsotsis