WebBuzz du 21/03/2017: Comment identifier des conducteurs bornés et tétus-Howto identify stubborn drivers
Quand tous les automobilistes pensent être dans leur bons droits et ne veulent pas réfléchir un peu, voici une situation qui peut facilement arriver: un carrefour complètement bloqué. Résultat, personne ne peut passer.
When all motorists think they are in their right and do not want to think a little, here is a situation that can easily happen: a crossroads completely blocked. Result, no one can pass.
WebBuzz du 06/12/2011
A bangkok, capitale de la Thailand, ils n'ont pas forcément beaucoup de matériel, mais ils savent s'adapter. Et voici comment, les ouvriers Thailandais peuvent enfoncer des pieux pour la constructions d'une maison. C'est sans doute la manière de construire la moins couteuse en CO2 que je connaisse.
In Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, they may not have much equipment, but they can adapt. And this is how the Thai workers are driving pile for the construction of a house. This is probably the way to build that is less cost in CO2 I know.
WebBuzz du 28/01/2015: Les conducteurs russes ont de bons reflexes-The russians drivers have the best reactions
Pour conduire une voitures en Russie, l'anticipation est le maitre mot. C'est ainsi que ce conducteur a eu le bon reflexe qui lui a permi d'éviter de se trouver sur la trajectoire du bus...
To drive a car in Russia, anticipation is the key word. Thus the driver had the good reflex that has allowed him to avoid being in the path of the bus ...
Navigating the Legality of Autonomous Vehicles
I wasn’t long in the backseat of Google’s self-driving Toyota Prius, cruising smoothly down California Highway 85, before a sober, gray-flannel question pierced my giddy techno-utopian buzz: Is this legal?
On principle, it would seem downright churlish to penalize Google’s upstanding Prius — which kept letter-perfect lane position, following distance and speed-limit compliance — while all around us human drivers committed a panoply of illegal acts: talking on their phones, speeding, changing lanes without signaling, tailgating, you name it.
But what does the law say about autonomous vehicles?
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