Displaying items by tag: photographer
Tuesday, 12 June 2012 04:47
WebBuzz du 12/06/2012
Ca y est, Régis a réussi à se faire à nouveau embaucher. Il est maintenant photographe amateur pour le journal local, et il doit couvrir l'arrivée d'une course de vélo. Il se place juste devant la ligne d'arrivée et bien au milieu pour avoir le cliché idéal. L'histoire ne dit pas si la photo fut réussie ou non ...
That's it, Regis has a new job. He is now an amateur photographer for the local newspaper, and must cover the arrival of a bike race. He take placed just in front of the finish line and in the middle to get the perfect shot. The story does not say whether the photo was successful or not ....
That's it, Regis has a new job. He is now an amateur photographer for the local newspaper, and must cover the arrival of a bike race. He take placed just in front of the finish line and in the middle to get the perfect shot. The story does not say whether the photo was successful or not ....
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Thursday, 27 June 2013 06:07
WebBuzz du 27/06/2013
Comment mettre fin à des années de régime végétarien ? Difficile de dire que cela peut se faire sur un coup de tête ... Et pourtant, c'est ce qu'a vécu Dan Milner, un célèbre photographe, qui après s'être fait attaqué, a décidé de se venger et de redevenir omnivore...
How to put an end to years of vegetarian diet? Difficult to say that this can be done on a whim ... Yet this is what the famous photographer Dan Milner choose, who after being attacked, decided to take revenge and become omnivorous...
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