Displaying items by tag: sportif
Monday, 30 April 2012 06:48
WebBuzz du 30/04/2012
Les sportifs font de plus en plus participer le public lors de leurs prestations. Est-ce pour les encourager ou plus simplement flatter leur égo ? Une chose est sûre, c'est que l'athelète de cette vidéo n'est pas prêt de recommencer. Avant de s'élancer, il fait signe au public de l'applaudir. Au moment du saut, déséquilibré, sans doute, par tant d'encouragements, il fini par s'étaler de tout son long sur le sable.
Athletes are increasingly involving the public in their shows. Is it to encourage them or simply flatter their egos? One thing for sure is that the athelete of this video is not ready to do it again. Before stating, he waved to be applause by audience. At the time of the jump, probably by so much encouragement, he is unbalanced and spread out on the sand.
Athletes are increasingly involving the public in their shows. Is it to encourage them or simply flatter their egos? One thing for sure is that the athelete of this video is not ready to do it again. Before stating, he waved to be applause by audience. At the time of the jump, probably by so much encouragement, he is unbalanced and spread out on the sand.
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