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Vendredi, 27 Avril 2012 06:44
WebBuzz du 27/04/2012
Comme c'est bientot la fin de semaine, voici une petite video qui risque de vous redonner la pêche ou tout au moins de vous faire fredonner cette chanson mythique du groupe Queen. C'est l'artiste Pablo Stanley qui a eu l'idée d'illustrer cette chanson.
Soon as it's the weekend, here's a video that might give you fishing or at least make you hum the song of the legendary band Queen. It is the artist Pablo Stanley who had the idea to illustrate the song.
Soon as it's the weekend, here's a video that might give you fishing or at least make you hum the song of the legendary band Queen. It is the artist Pablo Stanley who had the idea to illustrate the song.
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