It was love at first knee to the groin. Nikki Baker, 22, and John Dahl, 25, met in high school; he got her attention by shaking a can of beer in front of her, then cracking it open so a geyser of foam blasted into her face. She returned his affection with a brutal blow to the crotch. Today, their finely honed Honeymooners-meets-Jackass revenge routine is a runaway hii
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Jeudi, 18 Décembre 2014 07:48
WebBuzz du 18/12/2014: Trop de cameras cachées et d'expériences sociales-Too much pranks and socials experiments
Avec la démocratisation des moyens vidéos, et de leurs publications au monde entier, la multiplication des caméras cachées et des expériences sociales pourraient rendre notre quotidien un enfer. Voici un exemple tourné en Hongrie. Souriez, vous risquez d'être filmé.
With the democratization of video technology, and their publications to the world, the proliferation of hidden cameras and social experiences could make our lives hell. Here is an example shot in Hungary. Smile, you risk being filmed.
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Mardi, 24 Mai 2011 13:00
A Couple's Dueling Pranks Score Big
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