The Crunchies will be held on January 21, 2011 at a new venue, the landmark Place of Fine Arts Complex. The awards ceremony will be begin at 7:30 pm at the Palace of Fine Arts Theater with the After Party to follow at the Exploratorium until 11:30 pm. Tickets will be released in batches starting December 15. Keep an eye on TechCrunch as they sell out quickly.
To make the Crunchies possible, we need you! Since our readers help determine the ultimate winner of the coveted gorilla award, we need you to get out there and nominate the best startups, apps, entrepreneurs, and investors in 20 different categories. Nominations open today and will close Friday night, December 24 at midnight PST. Self-nominations are welcome.
The Crunchies Committee will then choose five finalists per category based on the top nominees and their notable accomplishments in 2010. Popular voting for selected Finalists will begin January 3 and close Wednesday evening, January 19, 2011 at midnight PST. Click here to read the full rules. You may nominate and vote once per day in each category.
View the full list of the previous Finalists and winners from 2009 here, 2008 here and 2007 here.
The Crunchies After-party is a great way to reconnect with friends and kick off the New Year in style. You won’t want to miss the entertainment and other surprises we have planned. Our sponsors help make the Crunchies happen, if you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities during the ceremony or after-party, please contact Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. or Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. . For press credentials, please fill out this request form and confirmations will be sent separately via email.
So go ahead, nominate the best startups and products of 2010, and we hope to see you at the Crunchies!

Authors: Erick Schonfeld