“There is a pattern that every time a new form of media is born, a completely different type of celebrity arises. Now it’s 2010, and as history repeats itself, there must exist celebrities who are perfectly adapted to thrive on the Internet.”
Except fans don’t usually spend a lot of time on YouTube, so Kuperstein and Moriarty build various popular YouTubers free apps so they can market their YouTube channels though Facebook, taking advantage of that platform’s huge user base and time spent ratio..
As an example of the market’s viability, Kuperstein and co-founder Ryan Moriarty bring up the example of MysteryGuitarMan (video above), a YouTube celebrity who gets over 500 million video views a year and brings in a calculated 1 million in revenue yearly.
Currently AppRats has signed up 50 of the the top 100 most trafficking YouTube celebrities, and makes money through ad revenue share, hoping to expand to other models and platforms soon.

Authors: Alexia Tsotsis