Ostensibly this is holding up Google’s Marissa Mayer, Cnet’s Caroline McCarthy, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, PR consultant Sarah Evans and Net -A- Porter CEO Natalie Massenetas female technology career role models (you can follow the flow chart to see which one you should emulate) and indeed they are.
But how does “What hairstyle do you prefer?” have anything to do with technology? Imagine asking this question to Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs or Jack Dorsey from Square (who is, admittedly, fashion forward).
My biggest problem with this is that it makes what must have been years of grueling achievement look so ephemeral, “You are living proof that the right idea (mixed with the right outfit) …”CES, SXSW, AVN(?) or NY Fashion Week?”From experience, being a woman in this industry means a ton of being passed over for stuff, condescended to and if you are eventually successful, disliked. It’s no “Sex And The City.”
The women who have been highlighted here are smart , driven and have worked hard for their success. They deserve so much more than being reduced to an infographic bobble-head on a cartoon body.
And in case anyone was wondering, I am “Caroline McCarthy.”
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Authors: Alexia Tsotsis