Samedi, 02 Juillet 2011 23:57
Comex Racing Against Time To Finish and Release JailbreakMe 3.0
Earlier today, a tester for JailbreakMe 3.0 leaked a wi-fi iPad 2 .pdf, which essentially contained part of the code utilized in the iPad 2 jailbreak soon to be found in JailbreakMe 3.0. It is expected that Apple will be patching the exploit being used in an upcoming patch leaving the hacker comex, to race against the clock. Comex seems to be determined to continue his work on the jailbreak for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch on iOS 4.2.1 to iOS 4.3.3. Apple will be patching the bugs found on as a high priority because the previous exploits demonstrate that any iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch is vulnerable and can be remotely reproduced. The last time was used, it helped jailbreak iOS 4.0 and 4.0.1, which was followed by a patch in the form of iOS 4.0.2 ten days after its release. This time, Apple had somewhat of an idea where to look beforehand, and they were preparing to patch the exploit upon release, this leak just gives them a head start now with iOS 4.3.4. Users are advised to use the Tiny Umbrella SHSH blob utility to store iOS 4.3.3. Using these files, you will still have the ability to restore to iOS 4.3.3 if iOS 4.3.4 is release. This will give you the option to still jailbreak if you want to at a later time. In order to successfully take advantage of Tiny Umbrella, it may be necessary to go to the Advanced Tab and make sure Request SHSH from Cydia is unchecked. With the implications of being unable to store your SHSH blobs in iOS 5, having blobs to iOS 4.3.3 and earlier may be important in order to jailbreak successfully, post release of iOS 5. Users are advised to using the tiny umbrella SHSHs iOS 4.3.3 store. Using these files, you can still restore to 4.3.3 if IOS IOS 4.3.4 Once off, your iPhone or iPhone so you two can stay jailbreak. In order to successfully take advantage of tiny umbrella may be necessary in the Advanced tab, select Request ShSh from Cydia to uncheck. With the advent of iOS 5 will probably not be possible to SHSHs store, so you SHSHs iOS 4.3.3 and earlier will be more important in order to jailbreak. As usual, stay tuned for more news and info by following us on Facebook, Twitter and/or subscribing to our RSS Feed. Authors:
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