Vendredi, 27 Avril 2012 06:44
WebBuzz du 27/04/2012
Comme c'est bientot la fin de semaine, voici une petite video qui risque de vous redonner la pêche ou tout au moins de vous faire fredonner cette chanson mythique du groupe Queen. C'est l'artiste Pablo Stanley qui a eu l'idée d'illustrer cette chanson.
Soon as it's the weekend, here's a video that might give you fishing or at least make you hum the song of the legendary band Queen. It is the artist Pablo Stanley who had the idea to illustrate the song.
Soon as it's the weekend, here's a video that might give you fishing or at least make you hum the song of the legendary band Queen. It is the artist Pablo Stanley who had the idea to illustrate the song.
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Jeudi, 26 Avril 2012 06:27
WebBuzz du 26/04/2012
Dans la ville de Pozna en Pologne, chaque année est organisé un grand événement autour du drifting. Le drifting consiste en l'art de conduire tout en dérapage et a pris notamment son essor depuis la sortie de la série "fast and furious". Lors de cette course, les concurrents contrôle parfaitement leur véhicules mais sont également capables de jouer aux bowling en se servant des photographes qui, sous le prétexte de vouloir prendre la bonne photo, ont franchi les barrières de sécurité...
In the town of Poznan in Poland, every year is organized a big event around the drifting. The drifting is the art of driving while skidding and took particular growth since the release of the series' fast and furious ". During this race, competitors fully control their vehicles but are also capable of playing bowling using photographers who, under the pretext of wanting to make the right picture, crossed safety barriers ...
In the town of Poznan in Poland, every year is organized a big event around the drifting. The drifting is the art of driving while skidding and took particular growth since the release of the series' fast and furious ". During this race, competitors fully control their vehicles but are also capable of playing bowling using photographers who, under the pretext of wanting to make the right picture, crossed safety barriers ...
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Mercredi, 25 Avril 2012 04:47
WebBuzz du 25/04/2012
Tout le monde connait, tout au moins de nom, les fameux dessins animés "Tom et Jerry". Poour certains d'entre nous, ce chat et cette souris ont bercés nos plus tendre années. Mais comment serait Tom et Jerry dans la vraie vie ? Cette petite vidéo, dont la mythique musique accompagnant leurs folles aventures, nous donne une idée un peu plus précise de leur vraie vie....
Everybody knows, at least in name, the famous cartoon "Tom and Jerry". Poour some of us, this cat and mouse that have rocked our earliest years. But how would Tom and Jerry in real life? This short video, including the legendary music accompanying their wild adventures, gives us a somewhat more accurate in their real life ....
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