Mercredi, 18 Mai 2011 21:10
RBC Says 250,000 BlackBerry PlayBook Tablets Sold To Date
Mike Abramsky, RBC Capital Markets Managing Director believes that RIM has sold approximately 250,000 BlackBerry PlayBook tablets to date. In a note to investors recently, the analyst points to channel checks in stating PlayBook sales have remained steady since the device’s launch on April 19th. If these estimates are accurate, RIM’s PlayBook is already outselling Motorola’s flagship HoneyComb tablet, the XOOM, which managed to sell 250,000 units in its first two months of availability. Abramsky belives RIM could move roughly around 500,000 units during RIM’s first fiscal quarter, though we would note that RIM’s current pace is way off RBC’s initial projects of 4 million units in 2011 and 6 million units total in the PlayBook’s first month of availability. Being way off, RBC later lowered its projections down to 3 million units in 2011 but at he current pace of 250,000 units per month, RIM is on track to sell just over 2 million units this year. Abramsky also noted that BlacKberry smartphones sales are slowing according to checks and he is now projecting project shipments to decline 9% from last quarter to 13.5 million units. Although the PlayBook seems to be doing better than expected in terms of competition, it still seems to fall short of expectations. So far Apple’s iPad has no real competition with none in sight either. What do you think of the whole ordeal? Let us know in the comments below! As usual, stay tuned for more tech news and info by following us on Facebook, Twitter and/or by subscribing to our RSS Feed. Authors:
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