Lundi, 23 Mai 2011 20:56
Apple Store 2.0 Debut Introduces Smart Signs
The new Apple Store 2.0 was recently debuted this Sunday and many of the leaked changes were confirmed. Amongst the changes, product displays are now iPads that are referred to as “Smart Signs.” The Smart Signs display product prices, information, and features. Customers can compare models quickly as well as ask for help from a specialist by utilizing the Smart Signs. This is nice because instead of waiting around for a specialist, the customer can request for help from the iPad itself and a specialist will make their way over to the table as soon as possible. There is even a queue system which shows users what place in the queue they are. You can check out a demo video below: These new iPads are running a custom overtop iOS which has the home button disabled. This prevents customers from exiting out of the demo software and doing something else. It has been confirmed though that using a series of gestures unlocks the demo software. Depending on the product that is being displayed, the custom software changes as well, allowing the customer to select the carrier and rate plan to see what it would cost to own the device. Furthermore, the display iPads use a custom made, very thin ribbon cable to connect to the iPad’s dock connector. This is exactly how the iPads are charged and sound an alarm if the demo units are moved. The older Pioneer televisions that were previously used in larger in-store displays have been replaced. Have any of you had a chance to go to the Apple Store and see the new retail changes they have made in person? If so, what did you think? Let us know in the comments below! As usual, stay tuned for more tech news and info by following us on Facebook, Twitter and/or by subscribing to our RSS Feed. Authors:
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