ValuLeads designer Joshua Kopac:
Enjoyed the presentation today. But … this new iTunes logo really sucks. You’re taking 10+ years of instant product recognition and replacing it with an unknown. Let’s both cross our fingers on this….
Steve Jobs to designer Joshua Kopac:
We disagree.
Sent from my iPhone
Attention Joshua Kopac, Steve Jobs has been reinventing the design landscape since before you were using Mac Paint. HE TOOK A FONT CLASS AT REED FOR CHRISSAKES.
But yeah, people love to backseat graphic design among other things, so I’ll tell you what, anyone who thinks that they can do a better job at logo design than Jobs, Jony Ive and team is welcome to have at it — Just send your submissions to Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. , with subject line: “I am better than Steve Jobs” or something more clever and I’ll post the best ones here.
Because I for one find the “Metal” iTunes 10 logo kind of cool and I’m sure our readers, nerds that they are, could do way better.
Side note: How much do you think sending that “Sent from my iPhone” notification pleases Steve Jobs? I’m willing to bet a heckuva a lot. I’m almost surprised he doesn’t include a * after the “my” as in *”I designed it, bitch.”

Authors: Alexia Tsotsis