A year ago, Google rolled out a private beta test for 30,000 publishers, but now is opening up the new interface to the public. The new UI will be available in more than 30 languages and in each of the 200+ countries where AdSense is available.
One of the main additions to the UI is that Google will present publishers with more data insights, including a number of new simple, graphical reporting tools. Publishers can run performance reports by ad type, ad size, ad unit, targeting type, and bid type for total earnings and other metrics, over custom date ranges. Google will also now provide detailed graphs of view impressions, clicks, and earnings.
Google has also made ad controls more powerful, allowing publishers to filter which ads and advertisers they want on their site. Publishers can now filter ads from specific advertisers, categories, and ad networks. And it’s easier to review and manage ads that have been placement-targeted and publishers can now search for ads in the ad review center by ad type, keyword, URL, or ad network, and choose to allow or block them.
And AdSense now make it easier to see earnings and payment information, to run reports, or make account changes.
Google will be steadily allowing publishers to access the new interface over the next few days. While publishers can continue to use the older version of the management interface, the search giant expects the new UI to be popular, especially with the new reporting analysis and controls.
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Authors: Leena Rao