Note: With the help of and Wired, I’m writing a citizen-funded feature on White Nose Syndrome. is a micropayment-based service that enables people to directly support journalism they care about. And for a limited time, you can raise money for my story — and dozens of others — just by taking a poll. (Go to the
To learn more, visit and read my pitch. If you have any questions, Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. . Thank you!
Images: Brandon Keim
See Also:
- Feds Criticized in Fight Against Killer Bat Disease
- Controversy Erupts Over Captive Endangered Bat Colony
- America’s Most Common Bat Headed for Eastern Extinction
- Bat Disease Threatens to Close America’s Caves
- DIY Bat-Saving: Build Your Own Bat House
Brandon’s Twitter stream and reportorial outtakes.
Authors: Brandon Keim