Des yeux numériques trient les agrumes
Google App Engine Flies Into The Enterprise
Like the rest of Google’s business-centric services, Google App Engine didn’t start out as a business-centric service. When it first launched in the spring of 2008, it was a rather intriguing way for hardcore coders to run their own applications atop Google’s top secret online infrastructure, and many questioned whether the mainstream developer — let alone big businesses — would ever play by the strict Google rulebook that App Engine required.
Those doubts still linger, but Google is intent on making them go away. On Tuesday, the company announced that...
Oct. 12, 1928: Iron Lung, Savior to a Generation
1928: A young polio sufferer at Children’s Hospital in Boston becomes the first person to use the iron lung artificial respirator. Her recovery from respiratory failure is nearly instantaneous.
Artificial respiration had been attempted before. As far back as the late 1700s, physicians were experimenting with a bellows system. That was discarded, and during the 1800s several methods were tried. None achieved much success.
The iron lung was invented by Philip Drinker, an industrial hygienist from the Harvard School of Public Health. Its cylindrical chamber encases a person’s entire body, save for ...