Samedi 18 Janvier 2025
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News Technologique-Tech News

Google's Dead Sea Scrolls Project Puts Papyrus in the CloudIn bringing the Dead Sea Scrolls into the cloud via an interface so user-friendly that even a humanities professor can navigate it, Google has once again played a part in something wonderful for the world. And I don’t mean “wonderful” in the modern web sense—like the way that Facebook has put me back in touch with friends from middle school, or that Twitter has turned one corner of my monitor into a global chatroom featuring most of the people that interest me. No, I mean something that will potentially advance the cause of historical scholarship in a way that hasn’t been done in about 200 yea...

Mardi, 27 Septembre 2011 17:00

Google Drive arrive… 5 ans après !

Le lancement de Google Drive semble imminent et, à vrai dire, en France, je crois avoir été l’un des premiers à avoir levé le lièvre avec la fameuse présentation d’Eric Schmidt en mars 2006, qui m’avait permis à l’époque de faire le point sur la stratégie de Google, où un mystérieux GDrive était mentionné dans les notes de la diapo 14 :

Google Drive arrive… 5 ans après !

1. Vitesse

2. Stockage de 100% des données utilisateur

3. Personnalisation transparente

Et plus précisément, sur le deuxième point :

Le stockage illimité nous permettra d’héberger l’ensemble des fichiers des utilisateurs : courriels, historiques Web, images, favor...

Mardi, 27 Septembre 2011 17:00

Miracle Berry's Sour-Sweet Mystery Cracked

Miracle Berry's Sour-Sweet Mystery Cracked

By Mark Brown, Wired UK

Popping a squishy red miracle berry into your mouth is almost like hacking your taste buds. For up to an hour, the juices coat your tongue and previously sour foods like lemon and vinegar magically taste deliciously sweet.

The berry and its plant (Richardella dulcifica) grows in West Africa. While the local population has been using its miraculous properties for centuries, it was only in 1968 that the all-important protein miraculin was extracted and sold in tablets. They’re now available the web and often feature in “taste tripping” parties where brave s...
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