Thursday, 02 June 2011 05:49
Several Hundred Gmail Accounts Hacked By Chinese Hacker
Google recently confirmed that a Chinese hacker was able to break into several hundred Gmail accounts. The company detected the breach and notified victims of the attacks that had occurred as well as relevant government authorities. Several high-profile accounts were hacked according to the Associated Press, including senior U.S government personnel, Chinese political activists, and government officials from South Korea. The actual hack was a phishing scheme that prompted users to enter their user names and passwords on a web page. “It’s important to stress that our internal systems have not been affected—these account hijackings were not the result of a security problem with Gmail itself,” Google said on its official Gmail blog. It’s a big surprising to see all these big companies get hacked and it makes you think twice about what information of yours is safe and what isn’t safe on the internet. How do you feel knowing that your Gmail could have been one of the ones hacked recently? Stay tuned for more tech news and info by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or subscribing to our RSS feed. Read More Authors:
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