WebBuzz du 27/03/2014
Voici une belle histoire, un frangin avait fait un grand voyage pendant 19 mois et il décide de faire un beau cadeau pour l'anniversaire de sa soeur. Et pour lui annoncer la surprise, il décide de tourner ce petit film. Bien sur, la vidéo comprend les réactions de ses proches.
Here is a beautiful story, a brother had a great trip for 19 months and decided to make a beautiful gift for the birthday of his sister. And to announce the surprise, he decides to turn this little film. Of course, the video includes the reactions of his family.
WebBuzz du 29/05/2015: Youtube a 10 ans: bon anniversaire-The A-Z of YouTube Celebrating 10 Years
Vive le Grand-Duc! Noemi concept souhaite un joyeux anniversaire au Grand-Duc Henri et a son fils Sebastien!
Vive le Grand-Duc! Noemi concept souhaite un joyeux anniversaire à Son Altesse Royale le Grand-Duc Henri et a son fils le prince Sebastien!
Noemi concept wënscht senger Altesse Royale dem Grand-Duc Henri an sengem Jong de Prënz Sébastien alles guddes fir de Gebuertsdag!
source des photos: www.monarchie.lu Copyright (c) Cour grand-ducale 2010
WebBuzz du 07/10/2011
For many kids, a trip to Disneyland is the epitome of fun and happiness. But most kids can’t go and are stuck with just dreams of a Disney vacation. Lucky for Lily, her parents are about to fulfill her dream. Lily is about to turn six years, and as a surprise, her mom packed her a week early birthday present backpack. She found a bunch of fun stuff inside, but only after she saw everything did mom tell her it was for a Disney trip they were taking today. Lily breaks down in tears of happiness. Disney, you have succeeded again.
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