Apple Announces iCloud, Steve Jobs WWDC Keynote
Apple has confirmed maybe the worst kept secret in Silicon Valley: it’s been working on a cloud service, and will announce it at the June 6 Worldwide Developers Conference.
So now we know annual developer’s conference will unveil “iCloud®, Apple’s upcoming cloud services offering,” but we don’t know yet what it is, or what exactly will reside at the domain name it may have bought for $4.5 million in April.
WebBuzz du 24/02/2015: Jouer au ping pong comme un chef-Play ping pong as a boss
Voici un coup imparable qui a le mérite de troubler l'adversaire et vous permettre de gagner le match, mais il a demandé 2 mois d'entrainement à ce joueur. Si vous voulez le maitriser également sachez être patient.
Here's an unstoppable shot that deserves to disturb the opponent and help you win the match, but he asked two months of training to that player. If you want to master the know also be patient.
WebBuzz du 01/09/2015: tennis de table un échange incroyable-Incredible exchange at table tennis
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