The first thing you see on Workflowy is a blank page, which might be intimidating to some. Founder Patel suggests initially separating your Workflowy list into Goals, Projects, Chores, Thoughts, and Links sublists and then digging deeper with its almost infinite capacity for subcategories.
Workflowy also lets you zoom, complete a task, hide completed items as well as expand, collapse and delete items extremely fast, allowing you to type notes at the speed of thought. It also works offline and synchs up as you reconnect to the Internet, providing you keep your browser window open.
In terms of future plans, founders Patel and Turtzin are prioritizing mobile (like a Workflowy iPhone app), search and collaboration tools and are currently working on changing the interface to make it more user friendly. They hope that the service, which they plan to monetize with a freemium model, will transform the way we organize our lives.
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Authors: Alexia Tsotsis