Note: With the help of and Wired, I’m writing a citizen-funded feature on White Nose Syndrome. is a micropayment-based service that enables people to directly support journalism they care about. And for a limited time, you can raise money for my story — and dozens of others — just by taking a poll. (Go to the
To learn more, visit and read my pitch. If you have any questions, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Thank you!
Images: Brandon Keim
See Also:
- Feds Criticized in Fight Against Killer Bat Disease
- Controversy Erupts Over Captive Endangered Bat Colony
- America’s Most Common Bat Headed for Eastern Extinction
- Bat Disease Threatens to Close America’s Caves
- DIY Bat-Saving: Build Your Own Bat House
Brandon’s Twitter stream and reportorial outtakes.
Authors: Brandon Keim