The program launched in Dec. 2009 and was to expire on Dec. 8th this year, but the USPTO on Wednesday announced an deadline extension until Dec. 31, 2011. So far, the USPTO had received 1,595 patent petitions and granted 790 of them under the Green Technology Pilot Program.
The program could prove controversial, as the president and founder of IPWatchdog Inc., Gene Quinn, suggests:
When has it ever been bad to encourage exciting new technologies? An argument could be made that the Patent Office could and should expand this acceleration program beyond the green tech space and more broadly define those types of innovations that we as a society need most. A one-size-fits-all patent system, or patent term for that matter, strikes me as out-dated. Bacteria are becoming ever more resistant to Antibiotics and with more and more people in the world we need to continually advance food producing technologies…a one-size-fits-all patent system is out-dated. Whether through acceleration or a longer patent term, we should be doing what we can to encourage those innovations society most needs.

Authors: Lora Kolodny