Now, when users are reading documents, books, or other works on Scribd, they will be able to highlight any word, and Apture will open a small browser within the page to search for the additional information on Google, Bing or Yahoo.
Scribd representative Michelle Laird says that this integration is made possible party because of the company’s move to convert the platform to HTML5, which provides a more engaging experience for users (as of July, user engagement had tripled on Scribd.)
According to Laird, 50 percent of documents will be integrated with Apture today, with the remaining integrations rolled out over the next few days. For Apture, which has raised $4.1 million in funding, the deal with Scribd is a big win. This will be largest implementation of Apture to date, says the startup’s CEO Tristan Harris. Other Apture partners include The Financial Times and Reuters.
Apture Highlights on Scribd from Tristan Harris on Vimeo.
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Authors: Leena Rao