Our office is so boringly up-to-date (except for the fax machine, which is Reagan-era technology). That’s why the arrival of a Grover Cleveland-era bike has been refreshing. OK, it’s 4 feet high and nearly impossible to mount, but nobody said going retro would be safe—or sensible. And once you careen down the hallway on Rideable Bicycle Replicas‘ perfect re-creation of a vintage Gormully & Jeffery American Challenge penny-farthing, walking to the watercooler just seems pedestrian. And hey, Copy Desk, what’s up with the eye-rolls? Don’t make me stop, summon a stool for dismount, and give you a sound thrashing.
- By Allison P. Davis Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.
- March 29, 2011 |
- 12:00 pm |
- Wired April 2011