He certainly seems to know everything – need a tip on Facebook etiquette for OBGYNs? – but how much do you know about Mr. Know-It-All?
Wired’s own advice columnist (Brendan Koerner) joins Senior Associate Editor Caitlin Roper to shed some light on that question. Koerner has written the Mr. Know-It-All column in every issue since July 2007. He’s fielded questions about everything from the benefits of auto-tune to plots to kill your neighbor’s weeds. Even after all that time, reader questions continue to be.… interesting. Did you see the one about having your children do your World of Warcraft chores this month?

This week Roper sat down with Koerner to go behind-the-scenes of Mr. Know-It-All. The two discuss his process for answering a question, some topics that didn’t make the column and if any questions are ever too difficult to answer. Hint: Koerner writes as Mr. Know-It-All for a reason.
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